9 sie 2010

the day before the shoot

It is this day before the shoot, when everything is on standby, when you are meeting every department for the first time, and this big guy talking loudly about not making mess on the set turns up to be a line producer. They show you the accountant in a yellow t-shirt, and point out runners and people who are on a set for the first time.
It is still sunny and quiet, everybody smiling polite, with the anticipation. Tomorrow we will say first jokes, somebody will loose patience, the actors will arrive, the camera boxes will arrive and sound constantly will have boom in shots. Soon enough I will become friends with everybody, grips, gaffers and camera assistants, but now we are all in this circle, still, waiting, to roll.

On my way I home the lack of stills camera with me is nearly painful, and the first thing is to take the air and clean the old canon eos. London is so full of greatest pictures you could ever seen and I solely promise myself to for the first earned money buy a polaroid land camera with the extra expensive film freshly produced in Holland...

Writing job applications again I am looking at 2nd unit shot list for the upcoming week, and see full days till thursday. We should be finished by next thursday. And then? (it will be 19th of August).
For some reason I am listening to humbug by Arctic Monkeys. It just feels right, in here, right now, just like washed out job offers hanging from brick lane's bars and old music videos by Adam Smith, if you know what I mean.

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